Sunday, December 20, 2009

The 12 Days of Christmas #6

I'm having a bit of an identity crisis.
I used to consider myself somewhat normal, somewhat modern, somewhat middle class, whatever that might be. In the past few years, however, I've noticed that my activities tend to be more rural in nature.
For example, we lack hills around here so we share the thrill of sledding with our children by pulling them in a calf sled behind a four wheeler.
As we drove/sledded by the outhouse that Danish Cowboy actually has memories of using before running water was invented on the prairie, it hit me. I have become the dreaded R word. 75 percent of my activities wouldd most likely be classified as redneck-ish.
Then, as I was sitting in the sled waiting for the next round of sledding, Danish Cowboy and my little boy shouted over the barn and across the poop-infested corral to our only neighbors (who also happen to be our in-laws) to inquire whether they wanted to get pulled behind a 4-wheeler through the trees, over the frozen cow pies and by the outhouse. They politely declined. I could feel myself slipping even deeper into redneck-dom.

Is it possible for a child this young to be embarrassed by her family?

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