Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tacos? Or Bathtime?

I want you all to know that I debated about my message today. I really, really did. Do I ignore the blog until something exciting happens and risk losing my two readers in the meantime? Or do I write about mundane things and risk losing my two readers immediately? A very tough question, indeed.
There is so much excitement in our future, folks: starting tomato seedlings in March and watching their progress for the following eight weeks. This really excites me because my new house has the PERFECT south facing window. Just perfect. Then of course, there's baby calf and killer mama cow season to delight you. I hope that a baby calf all covered in after-birth moves into my entryway for a few hours. What a delight! And wouldn't it be fun to catch, on video, Danish Cowboy being chased by sassy old Cabbage-Face (we go all out on cow names around here).
Branding cattle, sharing my blueprints for the perfect raised garden bed made out of composite lumber, seeding time, haying -- there is so much in store for our future together.

So please bare with us as we experience this slight glitch in excitement.

Besides, I could have chosen bathtime pictures or pictures of our taco dinner last night. I had choices you know. And I chose the cutesy stuff. Or maybe not so cute if you're not into kids but have a deeper appreciation for fine cuisine.

I also want to take this opportunity to share with you my arsenal of kid creams. It all starts with the Bag Balm. A big green tin of GREASE. It takes care of my daughter's diaper rash when nothing else will. Lovely stuff.And the arsenal then ends with this. I am almost embarrassed to admit this. But when you live miles from anywhere, you learn to stock up. If you think this is sickening, you should see the medicine cabinet. But that's another day. Does Tylenol from 1996 still work?
I'm also not totally embarrassed to show that kid cream collection because you have to admit, I don't exactly splurge on myself. The dregs of the kids' Aquaphor container and an on-sale bottle of Christmas-themed lotion comprise my lotion collection. Sad, really. Oh, and also a roll of white teflon tape.


1 comment:

  1. haha. I like this one. real, adorable pics, and a little hint of gardening and spring in the future. thoroughly enjoyed-your readership may be up to 3. :)
